Bob Keefe: Born in Los Angeles and raised in Fresno, California, Bob started playing at age 14. His first professional gig at age 16 was with his own surf band. He is the consummate lead guitarist and is in high demand as a guitar teacher.
Mike Tolomeo: Mike has been with the band for over seven years now and is the best "second" guitarist in the area. He fills the space like the swell of a wave under a shortboard.
John White: An amazing bass player, who, along with drummer Mark Joyce, lay down an authentic surf groove. Don't let his soft- spoken demeanor fool you: he is a killer bass player.
Mark Joyce: When Mark plays, he rocks the house. He is comfortable playing all styles of music and keeps the Surf Renegades rockin' and true to form. He and Bob have been playing together for over 15 years.